Energy Tapping Yoga is a blend of : Breath work, Tapping, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Himalayan Kriya / Hatha Yoga, Chakra Balance, Mudras and Quantum Meditation. It is a Sacred Science rooted in the principles of Neuroscience and Himalayan Kriya Yoga, that emphasize deep emotional healing, energy alignment, positive mindset and unity consciousness.

The beauty of these practices, is that they are accessible to everyone who has a keen desire to rise above struggles and finally integrate a positive abundant mindset ,regardless of physical condition, age, religion or cultural background.

Martina empowers her students to release energy blockages, cultivate self-trust, teaching you practical tools to keep a strong balance between Body Mind & Soul.

One of the main tool that Martina applies , is Himalayan Kriya Yoga an Ancient Sacred Science of alignment that brings powerful insights, Mental Clarity and Highers connection with our Essence as human being.
Through our Sacred lineage of Maha-Avatar Babaji, the aim of this practice is to open the energy channels on a very profound level.

It is known to get rid of emotional, traumas , programs and energy baggages during the first levels of this practice. Further details focus on the energy within the spine activating cerebrospinal fluid and re-connect yourself with Source Energy.


  • Immune System

  • Self-confidence

  • Boundaries

  • Inner warrior

  • Courage

  • Alignment

  • Intuition

  • Concentration

  • Creativity

  • Unconditional Love

  • Compassion

  • Kundalini Energy

  • Higher Self connection

  • The best version of you




  • increasE YOUR energy

  • UNLOCK your true potential


  • Heal suppressed emotions

  • rewire limiting beliefs

  • Gain more confidence and clearity

Wether you are an absolute beginner or an established Yoga practitioner, Healer or Coach this course is designed to experience and learn powerful tools and skills, to empower your inner being and to master the technique of releasing suppressed emotions/toxic energies using simple steps.

Through the practice of ETY we are also able to understand the deepest aspects of yoga that most people have forgotten.

  • Be able to identify where the emotions are located in the body

  • Release unwanted emotions through the right tap-work and breath-work techniques

  • Grounding and energy upsurgeS

  • Access chakra knowledge and main energy channels

  • Deep Meditative states (Samadhi)

  • Have a new network of like minded souls.

  • Learn the most powerful mantra chants for future enlightenment

  • Become a healed version of yourself

  • CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION ( Available with 4 Foundations Course only)

What you will get THROUGH ENERgy tapping YOGA COURSE

Love yourself unconditionally


Frequently Asked Questions about energy tapping yoga

  • No, there is no level required to start an ENERGY TAPPING YOGACourse.
    Although it is very welcome any type of knowledge about : Basic Yoga, Chakras, Energy Channels, Mantras , Mudras, Breathwork, Meditation and all that involves Energy work.

  • Himalayan Kriya Yoga as taught by Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal does not follow the kriya format as taught by the schools of Yogananada. It is an inspired, eclectic, evolved and creative mechanism which combines the highest paths and essence of yoga, sacred energy movements, dynamic movements from ancient martial arts, marma activations, nada yoga, mantra sadhana, shambhavapaya, kundalini vidya, swarodaya which give practitioners the great advantage of attaining the milestones of upward rising prana, kundalini awakening, inner silence, alignment, to sacred geometry, disease-free body, ecstatic states of celebration within and eventually a deserving self-realized state.

  • There is no age limit to access Himalaya Kriya yoga. Although it is reccomended to start at least around 15 years old. Below this age, it is suggested to join a specific HKY class for kids and teenager. Send us a request via email, if you are interested in working with kids.

  • It's inspiring to share your learnings with your friends and family. However If you are keen to guide aspirants with depth, clarity, accuracy, understanding it's important to fine tune your practice and ways to direct the awareness through a dedicated training format. We suggest you attend the ETY LEVEL 1 50H Training Certified by Yoga Alliance

  • Attention to detail is crucial in the practice of ETY. With deep intent, patience, dedication, determination, one can learn to tune into the true depth of the practice. The results are a barometer for the purity of the practice. We have explained in detail about the science, practice, techniques in various videos so that any genuine practitioner can relate with it.

  • We are in different stages of evolution and it is reflected in the experiences, pain, suffering that which are triggers and teachers along the path. In the process towards absorbing awareness, we encounter resistances from within. Pain is resistance to flow and can be dissolved with higher awareness, calibrations, healing processes, kriya interventions and creative ways to direct flow. One has to deploy their intuitive discretion or seek the guidance of an adept teacher on the path.

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